Charlie & Clow: Page 24
Daaaawwwwww. If you want more awesome romance, you should support Seeing Him on KickStarter. We have new rewards available for backers, like custom art and the chance to get drawn into the comic!
Daaaawwwwww. If you want more awesome romance, you should support Seeing Him on KickStarter. We have new rewards available for backers, like custom art and the chance to get drawn into the comic!
Things are looking super tough for Charlie… P.S. Do you like unique superheroes? Like eBooks? Have $1.99? You should check out my Superhero Ladies Sketchbook on Gumroad.
Oh man. Does this mean Charlie’s gonna’ kick some ass? P.S. Johnson & Sir is another webcomic I do, and they have some news.
*LE GASP* P.S. The KickStarter for Seeing Him was a bust, but Kia (the writer on the project) and I are working on a new plan for the project! So stay tuned. In the meantime, if you need more goodness, check[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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